
The first and best option for feedback is to chose the option of commenting that is provided at the tail end of new posts.

Clicking this option will invoke another application deployed at this site called Discourse. To make a comment will require entering an email address and then confirming by that same email address. Once registered you will need to retain the password to make further comments.

The policy of Off Centre is that email information is retained on site and is not transmitted off site or saved off site to the cloud or any other entity. Email addresses and/or any other information gathered by either Ghost or Discourse will not be shared with or transmitted to any other entity and will be used for no purpose other than to provide notification of new content.

This is a new site and how interested people will interact and what use patterns develop is an unknown quantity. Resourcing is limited so please be patient if a response is not immediate.

Should you have a technical issue or other feedback for site administration, please email